What is going on? The loss of America’s Peacekeeper

Stephanie Sellers
4 min readJan 13, 2021


President Donald Trump is against war and wants to take care of Americans first. His speeches and actions have continuously affirmed this fact.

Trump has been censored and is still the president until Jan. 20, 2021.

China, aka, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would rather “nuke” than battle over 80 nautical miles to “take” its coveted Taiwan.

Republican Senator Mitch McConnel betrayed his party and president when he publicly condemned the president and blamed him for the Jan. 6, 2021 capital invasion by Antifa while peaceful protests surrounded the area.

In the 90’s “McConnell endorsed the position that the United States should remain “ambiguous” about coming to the defense of Taiwan.”

In 2014, the Colombian Coast Guard found 90 pounds of cocaine on cargo ship Ping May owned by Mitch McConnell’s wife’s father, James Chao. The same father-in-law, who had gifted McConnell and his wife Elaine Chao $25 million.

Now, Mitch McConnell is blackmailing President Trump with impeachment if he pardons Julian Assange, the publisher who shared leaked confidential reports.

[Trump did not pardon Assange, but there is room for Trump to help organize a legal defense for Assange.]

Mitch McConnell and establishment Republicans waited until the final minute and have continued to betray Trump every step of the way since the 2020 election.

Why is little old Taiwan important? Because it is another link in the globalists’ New World Order scheme.

Should CCP take Taiwan, the power struggle over the Pacific erupts, war ensues and depression follows.

So, what happens to the New Green Deal, a largely democrat endeavor?

China is a leading emitter of carbon dioxide, but progressive democrats typically turn a blind eye and focus instead on America.

The New Green Deal plans to tax working Americans $93 trillion.

The 2020 stimulus package was $2 trillion. The 2021 stimulus package is projected at $908 billion.

The New Green Deal tax is situated to recover both stimulus packages with a profit just under $90 trillion.

With an Asia-Pacific war, Australia, Japan, Palau, Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Burma, Maldives, Russia, Cambodia, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Canada, Micronesia, Singapore, the United States of America, Taiwan, and China would have costly and inhumane losses.

Those losses far exceed any profit-deals made to circumvent CCP’s responsibilities in peacekeeping agreements or as an inhabitant of Mother Earth.

The speculation is that Trump has had checkmate on this situation by providing arms to Taiwan.

If Taiwan is unable to defend itself, CCP stands to achieve its takeover and has a push in an Asia-Pacific war, and the democrats stand ready for the New Green Deal.

The Hill shared an article on Sept. 30, 2019, that said “former Vice President Joe Biden notoriously insists that China is “not competition” for the United States, adding that the Chinese communists who regularly bully their smaller neighbors, including Hong Kong, are “not bad folks.”

Image from Facebook conservative E. F. Jan. 13, 2021.

These aligned events suggest that President Trump has done his best in putting Americans first and what happens next will determine if the best peacekeeper America has had was just overthrown.

This video explains what is happening around the globe.

This video explains how the pandemic was planned and how it facilitates the New World Order.

God Bless Us All.

Stephanie M. Sellers

1. Oct. 2020. He (Randall Schriver, now chairman of Project 2049), noted that the Trump administration “sees Taiwan as a true partner” that “punches above its weight as a good citizen.”

Taiwan “is the key to security” beyond Japan and the South China Sea. Schriver said.

China wants to dominate Taiwan as a member of its Communist party.


2. 2017 China’s foreign ministry on Sunday again rejected President-elect Donald Trump’s suggestion that he might use American policy on Taiwan as a bargaining chip between the two sides.

3. How dems get their war. Biden is soft on China and will not continue arms sales to Taiwan. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-10-07/here-s-what-could-happen-if-china-invaded-taiwan

4. https://apcss.org/about/ap-countries/

5. A study on war with China ranging from 2015–2025 https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR1100/RR1140/RAND_RR1140.pdf

6. The Hill https://thehill.com/opinion/international/463714-why-do-liberals-cozy-up-to-china

7. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/china-trump-taiwan

8. Ping May and the $25 million https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/mitch-mcconnells-freighted-ties-shadowy-shipping-company/



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