White is the new Black: Why a country house is worth a million dollars

Stephanie Sellers
3 min readJan 26, 2021
Public Domain.

Forbes released an article Jan. 23, 2021 on the differences in how protesters are perceived.

It refers to the White House protestors, even those who simply walked around outdoors and left, as “rioters.” It states that there are concerns if the courthouse can handle up to 800 “Capital rioters.”

It shares a statement from New York criminal defense attorney Rebecca Kavanagh that she found it “interesting” and that she had not heard similar concerns over charging “Black and Brown low level” offenders.

Sharing that quote worked to feed racial tensions.

AP serves as a hotwire to media outlets and has the power to restrict its services when media outlets do not comply. AP has made several racially motivated changes.

The Forbes article states Black Lives Matter (BLM) participants, who ravaged public and private property in 2020 to the cost of $1 to $2 billion with 25 murders under their reign, are “protestors.”

The White House protesters broke glass, smeared walls, stole and damage electronics and littered. Because federal buildings are not insured, taxpayers are expected to pay, according to Business Insider. Estimates on damages have not been released, but it is not even close to a million, much less a billion. There is only one direct murder linked to the Antifa protestors who attended this protest.

One consequence of the White House protest is that whites being the new Black is more widely understood. White conservatives have become a marginalized minority — in rural areas with less access to high-speed internet, making whites “disadvantaged.”

The internet provides essential emergency notices, communication with support systems and updates on new laws. (That will be especially helpful when commie dictators start lashing citizens. Everyone deserves time to hide.)

People of color have chosen to live in urban and metropolitan areas where, due to census reports, more welfare dollars are offered. These areas will be crunched with the dire housing shortage as more immigrants enter. High-speed internet is more widespread in these areas, making these populations “advantaged.”

“Whites have become a minority of the population in most urban counties since 2000, while remaining the majority in 90% of suburban and small metro counties and 89% of rural ones,” according to a May 22, 2020 Pew Research Center article on social and demographic trends.

What is a side-effect of the BLM “protests”? BLM did more than immediate harms. It created how citizens react with their neighbors because they destroyed a foundation of trust that had been growing since the Obama era when racial divide grew under democrat rule.

Was it intentional? Historically, dividing citizens makes it easier to conquer. Hitler is quoted as saying something along these lines.

Anyway, the commies are here now.

So, you may quote me as saying, “There is nothing more valuable now than a home in the country with small churches, longtime neighbors from cultures around the globe who have aided one another throughout the years and where it’s safer to keep apple pies on windowsills.”

God Bless Us All.

Stephanie M. Sellers

P.S. Send letters in plain envelopes. I think they’re watching me.





